Via Piccoli Marcello 61 - Bosco Chiesanuova (VR) +39 045 7050057

History and future
in a word.

We have been the Lencis for 4 generations, restaurateurs for 2, and a family for as long as we can remember: we put our hands in the dough as our grandparents taught us, but with our own twist.


The history of Lenci 3

It all started with our great-great-grandfather Lorenzo, called "Il Lencio" by our countrymen: his nickname was passed down to his children and his children's children, until it reached us - the fourth generation of Lencis.

In the 1970s, our father Fernando and his brother Maurizio began specialising in the restaurant business, working in some of Verona's most renowned restaurants. Our grandfather Giulio immediately understood the potential of his sons and convinced them to start their own business: on 26 December 1976, the 'Ristorante Pizzeria Bosco Chiesanuova' opened its doors.

We were among the first in Lessinia to offer both pizza and cuisine (in those years it was not yet so popular), and our fellow villagers appreciated it immediately. Fernando and Maurizio were joined by another brother, Pietro Paolo, a mountain guide by profession and passion and a cook the rest of the time: the restaurant became more and more popular, and with him the three brothers, until people began to say they were going to eat "dai tre Lenci" (at the three Lencis'). Here the story tells itself, doesn't it?

In the 1990s the tables were turned, when uncle Maurizio decided to officially leave the company: Lenci 3 remained in the hands of Fernando, helped in the kitchen by his wife Giuliana, our mother, and by Grandpa Giulio, who looked after the till and customer relations. We started working in the restaurant in the early 2000s, each specialising in a different area - until our father officially handed over the helm of the restaurant to us in 2012. Of course he stayed on to work in the kitchen - it wouldn't be the "Lenci 3" without his chef's hat!

Who are we? Pierpaolo, head waiter and sommelier; Damiano, pizzaiolo and master baker; Stefano, our chef; Giovanni, barman and mixologist; and Alessandro, the youngest and our ace in the hole!

Historical Place

Historical Place in Veneto

The Ristorante Pizzeria Lenci 3 was included in the Regional List of Historical Places of Commerce in 2022, testifying to the Benedetti family's long tradition of quality catering.


Fernando and Giuliana

From 40 years of marriage, five children and a whole restaurant to run, you can expect two outcomes: either you go crazy, or you keep laughing together as if time never passes. Sometimes we throw (figuratively) a few pots at each other... But, as Fernando says, just dodge them!

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